Early stereoview of Sevilla, Spain - L' Andalousie - Furne & Tourn
Early stereoview of Sevilla, Spain - L' Andalousie - Furne & Tournier 1858 - 1860
#18 Entrée de l'Alcazar
From the series L' Andalousie.
Photographer / publisher : Furne & Tournier
Dimensions: 8,5 x 17,5 cm
In very good condition.
"According to the Revue Photographique (April 1857), the printer Lemercier annex a photographic studio to his shop at 57, Rue du Seine in 1857. By 1856 he had already registered photographs at the Dépôt Légal. In 1858 Lemercier’s studio Was taken over by Charles Paul Furne fils, photographer, and Henri Tournier, employee at the Ministery of Finance. Both Lemercier and Furne fils et Tournier specializes in stereo views." The J. Paul Getty Museum Journal: Volume 14, 1986